This circle of life represents four cycles of life beginning with birth, youth, adult and Elder. These human stages of life coincide with the four seasons beginning with spring, summer, autumn and winter. Wolastoqey Worldview personifies seasons with human development as demonstrated in the above diagram. Our Wolastoqey language is core to this vision of natural lifespan and was originally spoken within all realms to guide intergenerational transmission of Wolastoqey philosophies, traditions, values, histories, songs, and all worldviews embedded within Wolastoqey language. It is the hope of these lessons that learners will envision themselves as life long learners and carriers of Wolastoqey language for those yet to be born.
Identity audio files
Nkisi Tehc / Can Do's
Upon completion of this lesson...
Tpostomun Latuwewakon/ Listening to Wolastoqey
Wolastoqewatu/ Speaking Wolastoqey
Okitomon Latuwewakon/ Reading Wolastoqey
Wikhomon Latuwewakon/ Writing Wolastoqey
- I can understand words related to “Identity” i.e. who they are (clans), where they come from (communities)
- I can hear and distinguish familiar words related to Wolastoq i.e. Wolastoqew,Wolastoqiyik etc.
Wolastoqewatu/ Speaking Wolastoqey
- I can experience the cultural teachings conveyed in Wolastoqey identity
- I can talk and learn about the “clan system”, community places and original community names
Okitomon Latuwewakon/ Reading Wolastoqey
- I can recognize the written text for identity, communities and community place names
- I can begin to learn the unique writing system and all its features
Wikhomon Latuwewakon/ Writing Wolastoqey
- I can prepare a poster or card to make a simple invitation, or announcement
- Participants can write about themselves and where they live, using short phrases in the Wolastoqey language